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What is a BFA?

12 July 2024

BFA stands for Binding Financial Agreement, which is a legal agreement to protect the interest of parties subject to the agreement. BFAs work similar to a prenup when entering into a relationship, but are also used in separations. In new relationships, one party may bring more to the relationship and

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5 July 2024

Victoria’s recent state budget has provided an overview of wear tax revenue is derived:   Financial Year               FY2023           FY2024 Payroll                                 $8.3b                 $10.6b Stamp Duty               

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2 July 2024

Australians love having a good guy and bad guy We all recall the community campaign against our banks that led to the Royal Commission into Banking Misconduct. The recommendations from this review have changed banking on many levels. Responsible Lending Laws have created a rigid framework with unintended consequences. Brokers

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5 April 2024

NAB’s economic update reveals rents have increased 11% over the last year. Meanwhile, property investments are down 5.1%. Landlords are selling up in Victoria and investing elsewhere. To compound matters further, approvals for new housing continue to decline. With 161,758 net migration in Victoria in 2023, our population is

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